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Status: 2023-07-25


Enabling Policy Rules

Policies are bonded to a any/certain Controller::method.
And they are executed after all Routes are initialized by myMVC.

Path to module's policy configuration files


Set a single Rule

(assuming module is "Foo")

Set a single Rule to any (*) method of a controller

  • when any (*) method of controller \Foo\Controller\Index is being called
  • execute \Foo\Policy\Index::requestMethodHasToMatchRouteMethod

Set a single Rule to a certain method of a controller

  • when method index of controller \Foo\Controller\Index is being called
  • execute \Foo\Policy\Index::requestMethodHasToMatchRouteMethod

Setting multiple Rules

simply wrap the rules into an array.

    '*', [

Bind a Policy Rule to a Route

You can also bind a policy to a certain Route.

Example: bind policies checkUserRights and isAdmin to Route /foo/bar/

    \MVC\Route::$aRoute['/foo/bar/'], [

Disabling Policy Rules

Unset a single Rule

assuming module is "Foo"

Unset the single rule '\Foo\Policy\Index::requestMethodHasToMatchRouteMethod' set to controller \Foo\Controller\Index and method index


Unset multiple Rules

Unset certain, multiple rules set to controller \Foo\Controller\Index and method index

    'index', [

Unset all rules set to controller \Foo\Controller\Index and method index


Unset all rules set to controller '\Foo\Controller\Index'


Unbind a Policy Rule from a Route

Unbind a certain policy rule

    \MVC\Route::$aRoute['/foo/bar/'], [

Unbind all policy rules bonded to a route


Write methods to be executed by policy

For a better overview, you note the required class::method not in "module/{module}/Model/" but in a separate folder.

Path to module's policy folder


Example: file module/Foo/Policy/Index.php

 * Index.php
 * @package myMVC
 * @copyright
 * @author Guido K.B.W. Üffing <>
 * @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. See application/doc/COPYING

 * @name $FooPolicy
namespace Foo\Policy;

use MVC\DataType\DTArrayObject;
use MVC\DataType\DTKeyValue;
use MVC\Event;

 * Index
class Index
     * @return void
     * @throws \ReflectionException
    public static function requestMethodHasToMatchRouteMethod ()
        $oDTArrayObject = DTArrayObject::create()
            ->add_aKeyValue(DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMessage')->set_sValue('access denied'))
                function(\MVC\DataType\DTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject) {

        // grant access
        if (
            // Route is of type ANY
            '*' === \MVC\Route::getCurrent()->get_method()
            // Request and Route methods do match
            true === in_array(\MVC\Request::getCurrentRequest()->get_requestmethod(), \MVC\Route::getCurrent()->get_methodsAssigned(), true)
            $oDTArrayObject->setDTKeyValueByKey(DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMessage')->set_sValue('access granted'));

        // give any middleware option to modify $oDTArrayObject
        Event::run('policy.index.requestMethodHasToMatchRouteMethod.after', $oDTArrayObject);

        // deny access; call closure
        if (false === $oDTArrayObject->getDTKeyValueByKey('bGrant')->get_sValue())
            call_user_func($oDTArrayObject->getDTKeyValueByKey('sClosure')->get_sValue(), $oDTArrayObject);