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Status: 2022-08-12

Creating a Module

  • cd into the root folder of myMVC, where the file myMVC.phar resides.
  • run myMVC.phar, it will show you a menu with some options.
  • enter 1 to create a new module.

run myMVC.phar

php myMVC.phar


a php framework by G. Üffing
0 = 🏁 run local development server
1 = 📦 create a module
8 = 🔍 check on errors (php lint recursively)
9 = ⛔ exit
myMVC:~$  [<enter> = 0] 1

Enter a modulename - in this example it is Foo

a php framework by G. Üffing
Enter Name of the new Module:  Foo

you entered: `Foo`
should the module `Foo` be created now ? [<enter> = y]

you entered: `y`

...creating module/Foo/* with subdirectories and -files
 ✔ module 'Foo' created.

press enter key to continue

Now 🏁 run local development server again.
Call and you will see your new created module frontend

myMVC Creating a Module

directory structure of the created module Foo