This is my MVC Framework, written in PHP. Open Source and free of charge.
- Open Source
- MVC Structure, +Events, +Policies
- Smarty Template Engine
- PHP7 ready
- Modular
- Expandable
- DataType Creation
Installing myMVC
Installing via command line
e.g. for a develop
Download from github: and unzip.
Then cd into /public
of the unzipped folder and start setup:
cd myMVC-1.3.x/public;
export MVC_ENV="develop";
php index.php
The Auto-Installer will instantly begin to install all necessary files. (In case of errors, a text will prompt up showing details about what went wrong).
Create a new Module
run myMVC.phar, it will show you a menu with options to create a new Module on CLI.
$ php myMVC.phar
Run myMVC
run php's internal webserver:
cd /var/www/myMVC/public/; php -S localhost:1969;
Call localhost:1969
in your browser.
- PHP 7
- shell_exec
- mbstring;
- safe_mode_allowed_env_vars; to enable to set MVC_ENV as an environment variable you may need to edit this php setting
set as environment variable e.g.develop | test | live
or other. This can be done in different ways:- webserver (recommended)
SetEnv MVC_ENV develop
when using apache webserver (also see Section "Webserver")fastcgi_param MVC_ENV production;
when using nginx webserver (also see Section "Webserver")
- config setting
$aConfig['MVC_ENV'] = 'live'
; this config will even overwriteMVC_ENV
var set by webserver. This is the way to go if you cannot however set webserver environments.
export MVC_ENV=live;
as CLI command
once set,
can be accessed bygetenv('MVC_ENV')
- webserver (recommended)
write access for the webserver user (e.g. www-data) on folder:
/application /application/session /application/cache /application/log /application/templates_c
Libraries via Composer Packages
To install Libraries manually:
cd application;
php composer.phar self-update; php composer.phar install;
Further Information about Composer / JSON Config File and Handling
Autoloading / PSR-0
As of 2014-10-21 PSR-0 has been marked as deprecated. @see
main config
here depends on what you have set for MVC_ENV
if you have set MVC_ENV
to 'developAtHome', the folder /application/config/staging/developAtHome/ would then be created automatically at runtime if it doesn't exist. Therefore a copy from folder /application/config/staging/develop.sample/*
and its contents will be done.
custom config
Any file in this directory which has suffix .php will be required automatically (Attention: Reading A-Z). This is the right place to extend or overwrite the main config, to place policies and so on.
Request Examples
- http://{domain}/?module=default&c=Index&m=index&a={"json":"whatever"}
- http://{domain}/?module=default&c=Index&m=index
- http://{domain}/?m=index
- http://{domain}
GET Param module
- targets the Module Folder: /modules/
GET Param c
- targets the Controller: /modules/default/Controller/
GET Param m
- targets a Method inside the requested: /modules/default/Controller/Index.php ->
GET Param a
- JSON which will be given to the target method
/modules/default/Controller/Index.php -> index()
preconstruct <a id="preconstruct">
Name of method to be executed in the Target Controller Class before session, and other main functionalities. It will be called in /application/library/MVC/Application.php
// Run target Controller's __preconstruct()
self::runTargetClassPreconstruct (Request::getInstance ()->getQueryArray ());
This method is also declared via interface MVC\MVCInterface\Controller
. Due to this, you should not edit this name. Otherwise you have to rename the method in that interface class, too.
$aConfig['MVC_METHODNAME_PRECONSTRUCT'] = '__preconstruct';
Each Controller must have a method named __preconstruct
"MVC_BEFORE" (see main config) which one is called by MVC_Application::__construct() in a very early stage.
Override the whitelisting behaviour of the request object:
// Override the whitelisting
\MVC\Request::getInstance()->setWhitelistParams(array (
'GET' => array (
'module' => array (
'regex' => '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', 'length' => 50, ),
'c' => array ( 'regex' => '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', 'length' => 50, ),
'm' => array ( 'regex' => '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', 'length' => 50, ),
'a' => array ( 'regex' => '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\|\\:\\[\\]\\{\\},"\']+/', 'length' => 256, ),
))->saveRequest()->prepareQueryVarsForUsage ();
Register Event Bindings
\MVC\Event::BIND ('mvc.controller.invalidRequest', function() {
header ('Location: /?module=default&c=index&m=index');
exit ();
The complete configuration is saved to the Registry and so it is systemwide available.
Access a setting from config by using Registry
$sMvcBasePath = \MVC\Registry::get('MVC_BASE_PATH');
Setting a Value to Registry
\MVC\Registry::set('MY_KEY_NAME', $mMyValue);
You can listen to Events in 2 ways:
- Event Names
- Class::method
1. Event Names
you can easily run an individual event.
Just note the event name and pass an DTArrayObject
Object with Infos.
2. Class::method
Using a Concrete Controller::method of User's Application. Instead of an Event-Name to listen to you can always address a certain Method of a Controller. That gives you even more flexibility.
Example: If you want to listen to when the Method "\Standard\Controller\Index::home" is being called, simply note the method as the event name. Make sure to write it as the method was a static one, even it is not.
* redirect if explicitly if the method "foo" is requested
\MVC\Event::BIND ('\Module\Controller\Index::foo', function ($oObject) {
Bind to an Event
\MVC\Event::BIND ('mvc.session', function() {
$oPackage = \MVC\Event::$aPackage['mvc.session'];
// see if there is a package relating to that event
\MVC\Helper::DISPLAY ($oPackage);
Run an Event
\MVC\Event::RUN ('mvc.session');
Run an Event and deploy a Package which could be read inside the Bind/Closure
\MVC\Event::RUN ('mvc.session', $oPackage);
myMVC Standard Events
In chronological order;
The path shows where the event is going to be called (RUN)
MVC/Request.php request is prepared for usage
Event::RUN('mvc.request.saveRequest.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('_aQueryVar')->set_sValue($this->_aQueryVar) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('_sRequestUri')->set_sValue($this->_sRequestUri) ) );
- mvc.request.prepareQueryVarsForUsage.after
Event::RUN('mvc.request.prepareQueryVarsForUsage.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('_aQueryVar')->set_sValue($this->_aQueryVar) ) );
MVC/Application.php the "__preconstruct()" method inside the requested Controller has been run
Event::RUN ('mvc.runTargetClassPreconstruct.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sClass')->set_sValue($sClass) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMethod')->set_sValue($sMethod) ) );
- mvc.setSession.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.setSession.before', DTArrayObject::create());
- mvc.setSession.after
MVC/Application.php Session Object is built and copied to the registry
Event::RUN ('mvc.setSession.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oSession')->set_sValue($oSession) ) );
- mvc.policy.apply.execute
Event::RUN ('mvc.policy.apply.execute', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('bSuccess')->set_sValue($bSuccess) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sPolicy')->set_sValue($sPolicy) ) );
- mvc.controller.construct.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.controller.construct.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oRequest')->set_sValue($oRequest) ) );
- mvc.reflex.reflect.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.reflex.reflect.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('aQueryArray')->set_sValue($aQueryArray) ) );
MVC/Reflex.php contains the target Class as the already instanciated object which for sure could be accessed This event is called immediatly before the target method will be called
// run an event and store the object of the target class within Event::RUN ('mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oReflectionObject')->set_sValue($oReflectionObject) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMethod')->set_sValue($sMethod) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sArgs')->set_sValue($sArgs) ) );
$sControllerClassName . '::' . $sMethod
MVC/Reflex.php e.g. "\Standard\Controller\Index::home" run an event which KEY is Class::method of the requested Target and store the object of the target class within
// run an event which KEY is // Class::method // of the requested Target // and store the object of the target class within Event::RUN ($sControllerClassName . '::' . $sMethod, DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oReflectionObject')->set_sValue($oReflectionObject) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMethod')->set_sValue($sMethod) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sArgs')->set_sValue($sArgs) ) );
MVC/Reflex.php contains the target Class as the already instanciated object which for sure could be accessed This event is called immediatly after the target method was called
Event::RUN ('mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oReflectionObject')->set_sValue($oReflectionObject) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMethod')->set_sValue($sMethod) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sArgs')->set_sValue($sArgs) ) );
MVC/Controller.php Request could not be handled
Event::RUN ('mvc.controller.construct.invalidRequest', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oRequest')->set_sValue($oRequest) ) );
- mvc.controller.construct.after
Event::RUN ('mvc.controller.construct.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('bStatus')->set_sValue($bSuccess) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oRequest')->set_sValue($oRequest) ) );
- mvc.view.render.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.view.render.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oView')->set_sValue($this) ) );
- mvc.view.renderString.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.view.renderString.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sTemplateString')->set_sValue($sTemplateString) ) );
- mvc.view.renderString.after
Event::RUN ('mvc.view.renderString.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sTemplateString')->set_sValue($sTemplateString) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sRendered')->set_sValue($sRendered) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('bEchoOut')->set_sValue(self::$_bEchoOut) ) );
- mvc.view.render.after
Event::RUN ('mvc.view.render.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oView')->set_sValue($this) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sTemplate')->set_sValue($sTemplate) ) );
- mvc.reflex.destruct.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.reflex.destruct.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oReflex')->set_sValue($this) ) );
- mvc.controller.destruct.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.controller.destruct.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oController')->set_sValue($this) ) );
- mvc.application.construct.after
Event::RUN ('mvc.application.construct.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oError')->set_sValue($oError) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oRouter')->set_sValue($oRouter) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oPolicy')->set_sValue($oPolicy) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oController')->set_sValue($oController) ) );
- mvc.application.destruct.before
Event::RUN ('mvc.application.destruct.before', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('oController')->set_sValue($this) ) );
- mvc.helper.stop.after
Event::RUN ('mvc.helper.stop.after', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('aBacktrace')->set_sValue($aBacktrace) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('mData')->set_sValue($sEcho) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('bOccurrence')->set_sValue($bShowWhereStop) ) );
- mvc.lock.create
Event::RUN('mvc.lock.create', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue(DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('aBacktrace')->set_sValue($aBacktrace)) ->add_aKeyValue(DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('bLocked')->set_sValue(true)) ->add_aKeyValue(DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sFile')->set_sValue($sFile)) );
- mvc.error
Event::RUN ('mvc.error', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMessage')->set_sValue("Policy could not be executed: " . $sPolicy) ) );
\MVC\Event::RUN('mvc.error', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMessage')->set_sValue('could not detect protocol of requested page.') ) );
Event::RUN ('mvc.error', DTArrayObject::create() ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('iLevel')->set_sValue(1) ) ->add_aKeyValue( DTKeyValue::create()->set_sKey('sMessage')->set_sValue(__FILE__ . ', ' . __LINE__ . "\t" . 'Class does not exist: `' . $sClass . '`') ) );
Events myMVC is listening to
MVC/View.php disables the echo out of the rendered view template
\MVC\Event::BIND('', function () { MVC_View::$bEchoOut = false; });
MVC/View.php enables the echo out of the rendered view template (default=On)
\MVC\Event::BIND('mvc.view.echoOut.on', function () { MVC_View::$bEchoOut = true; });
Helper Methods
Detect a Closure
if (true === filter_var (\MVC\Helper::ISCLOSURE ($oPackage), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { .. }
Call a Closure
call_user_func ($oPackage)
\MVC\Log::WRITE('My Message');
Using an alternative Logfile
\MVC\Log::WRITE('My Message', 'specialLogfile.log');
All Log Entries show:
- Date and Time
- IP Address
- a uniqueID for the current Request
- the Session ID
- an increasing Counter for each log entry for the time Request is running
- the file and lineNr from where the log was called
- The Log Message
Extra LogInfos for Events:
- "BIND" with the Eventname and where the Event was called from.
- "RUN" with the Eventname and where the Event was called from. No further logic is bonded to that Event actually
- "RUN+" with the Eventname and where the Event was called from. In this case some logic was bonded to that event (via "BIND") and all bonded logics are listed in detail
The Log method writes per default into /var/www/myMVC/application/log/default.log .
Watching logs during developing is already helpful, so if you are on linux
you can easily watch it like so:
tail -f * /var/www/myMVC/application/log/
the helper class methods can be accessed from everywhere by simply call its static methods.
e.g.: to show a debug window on the screen (or via CLI):
\MVC\Helper::DISPLAY('Hello World');
Policy Rules are bonded to a specific Controller::Method
Create a file "/config/policy.php",
Inside this file you define your policies:
$aConfig['MVC_POLICY'] = array(
// The matching Class
// (do no use leading slashes for Controller Names)
'Standard\\Controller\\Index' => array(
// the matching method
'home' => array(
// What to call
// (do no use leading slashes for Controller Names)
, 'Standard\\Policy\\Example::test2'
Generator for DataType Classes \MVC\Generator\DataType
PHP auto detect compatible
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create();
PHP 5.3 compatible
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create(53);
PHP 7 and up compatible
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create(7);
PHP 7.3 compatible
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create(73);
Init with Config: Object
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create()->initConfigObject($oDTConfig);
Config $oDTConfig
$oDTConfig = DTConfig::create()
->set_dir(Registry::get('MVC_MODULES') . '/Foo/DataType/')
// optional property settings
Init with Config: array
$oDTGenerator = \MVC\Generator\DataType::create()->initConfigArray($aDataTypeConfig);
Config $aDataTypeConfig
* DataType Array
$aConfig['MODULE_DATATYPE_CONFIG'] = array(
// where to place the DataType Class Files.
// folder will be created if not exists.
'dir' => $aConfig['MVC_MODULES'] . '/Foo/DataType/',
// remove dir and create for new each time config changes.
// you may want this during development.
// default is `false`, if not set here
'unlinkDir' => false,
// The Classes
'class' => array(
// ! mandatory
'name' => 'DTFoo',
'file' => 'DTFoo.php',
// optional; no need to even note the key here if not used
'extends' => '',
// optional; no need to even note the key here if not used
'namespace' => 'Foo\DataType',
// optional; add some useful Helper Methods like '__toString()` method (default: true)
'createHelperMethods' => true,
// optional; no need to even note the key here if not used
'constant' => array(
'key' => 'FOO',
'value' => 'BAR',
'visibility' => 'public'
// ! mandatory
'property' => array(
array('key' => 'sKey' , 'var' => 'string'),
array('key' => 'deliverable' , 'var' => 'int'),
array('key' => 'aJsonContext' , 'var' => 'array'),
array('key' => 'bSuccess' , 'var' => 'bool'),
'key' => 'foo',
'var' => 'string',
// optional property settings
'value' => 'bar',
'visibility' => 'protected'
'static' => false,
'setter' => true,
'getter' => true,
'explicitMethodForValue' => false,
'listProperty' => true,
'createStaticPropertyGetter' => true,
'setValueInConstructor' => true,
- use
, notboolean
- use
, notinteger
Valid types
Cookie Consent
Due to 2018-05-25 EU-wide GDPR law, it may make sense to get users cookie Consent before setting any session cookie.
Since Rev. 71 (2018-05-27) there will be no session cookie set automatically, if there MVC_SESSION_ENABLE is NOT SET or has NOT VALUE set to TRUE.
So. if you want to get session auto-started in MVC\Application::setSession() as it did before, you need to
- either set MVC_SESSION_ENABLE in config to TRUE
- or get users cookie consent
Here is an example how to get a users cookie consent could be accomplished:
In the target Class::__preconstruct()
-OR better-
In the target's Event-Class::__construct()
place this Event Listener, which will check if 'mvc_cookieConsent' cookie was set.
If so, the necessary value MVC_SESSION_ENABLE is written to the registry with the value of "true".
Target Class Side
* GDPR cookie consent
\MVC\Event::BIND ('mvc.session.before', function(){
// get consent to set session cookie
if (isset($_COOKIE['myMVC_cookieConsent']) && "true" == $_COOKIE['myMVC_cookieConsent'])
\MVC\Registry::set('MVC_SESSION_ENABLE', true);
Now you need to place some JS Code to your HTML asking for cookie consent.
If user agree, a cookie named "mvc_cookieConsent" with value of "true" is written as cookie to users browser.
$( document ).ready(function() {
// cookie consent
if ('undefined' === typeof $.cookie('myMVC_cookieConsent')) {$('#myMVC_cookieConsent').fadeIn();}
$('#myMVC_cookieConsent button').on('click', function(oEvent){
if (true === $('#myMVC_cookieConsent input').is(':checked')) {
$.cookie('myMVC_cookieConsent', true, {expires: 365, path:"/"});
myMVC is ready to work with a default Apache web server configuration.
A ".htacces" file is already placed into the myMVC's webroot:
# This file is for Apache Webserver only
# @see application/doc/README
# google pagespeed
# see
#ModPagespeed on
# Environment
SetEnv MVC_ENV live
# Deactivate session auto start
php_value session.auto_start 0
# activate rewrite Rules
RewriteEngine On
# prevent httpd from serving dotfiles (.htaccess, .svn, .git, etc.)
RedirectMatch 403 /\..*$
# pass-through files
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# forward to index.php
RewriteRule .* index.php
You can use myMVC with Nginx and PHP with FPM SAPI.
Here is a sample host configuration. It defines the bootstrap file and makes myMVC
catch all requests to unexisting files, which allows us to have nice-looking URLs.
server {
set $host_path "/var/www/myMVC/trunk/public";
access_log /var/www/myMVC/trunk/application/log/access.log main;
root $host_path/htdocs;
set $myMVC_bootstrap "index.php";
charset utf-8;
location / {
index index.html $myMVC_bootstrap;
try_files $uri $uri/ /$myMVC_bootstrap?$args;
location ~ ^/(application|modules|config) {
deny all;
#avoid processing of calls to unexisting static files by myMVC
location ~ \.(js|css|png|jpg|gif|swf|ico|pdf|mov|fla|zip|rar)$ {
try_files $uri =404;
# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
location ~ \.php {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
#let myMVC catch the calls to unexising PHP files
set $fsn /$myMVC_bootstrap;
if (-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name){
set $fsn $fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fsn;
#PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED can be omitted, but RFC 3875 specifies them for CGI
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fsn;
fastcgi_param MVC_ENV develop;
# prevent nginx from serving dotfiles (.htaccess, .svn, .git, etc.)
location ~ /\. {
deny all;
access_log off;
log_not_found off;
configure your routing.json file to your needs.
here is a basic example of how the routing.json could be defined.
"/": {"query":""}
, "/404/": {"query":"module=default&c=index&m=error404"}
, "/@/": {"query":"module=admin&c=index&m=index"}
, "/@/Login/": {"query":"module=admin&c=auth&m=login"}
, "/@/Logout/": {"query":"module=admin&c=auth&m=logout"}
Some Example Explanations:
Route Module, Controller, Method, Parameters Remark
"/": {"query":""} | if / is requested, the MVC_ROUTING_FALLBACK is called
| which is, per default, 'module=default&c=index&m=fallback'
"/404/": {"query":"module=default&c=index&m=error404"} | if /404/ is requested,
| the following Method is called, so it exists:
| Default_Controller_Index->error404()
CLI Wrapper
Requesting directly
myMVC serves simple CLI Requests
Allows calling via CLI without any need of a /route/ (see below "Requesting routes").
Write Parameter separated by spaces.
When adding JSON in `a`-parameter, encapsulate with single quote `'`
$ export MVC_ENV="develop"; php index.php module=standard c=index m=index a='{"foo":"bar","baz":[1,2,3]}'
Requesting routes
You can easily run any route via commandline;
just use the same path/query as in Frontend.
take care to place the request expression into single quotes !
$ export MVC_ENV="develop"; php index.php '/'
$ export MVC_ENV="develop"; php index.php '/about/'
$ export MVC_ENV="develop"; php index.php '/about/?a={"foo":"bar"}'
myMVC manager
you can use this tool to create or delete a module
the file manager.php is strored in the root directory of this project
$ php manager.php
Composer Setup
"require": {
"require-dev": {
Example: with ZF1
"require": {
"require-dev": {
Example: with ZF2
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
"require": {
"require-dev": {
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {