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Status: 2022-10-22


default path for logfiles


write into default logfile

\MVC\Log::write('My Message');
  • writes to: /application/log/default.log

write into another logfile

\MVC\Log::write('My Message', 'specialLogfile.log');

All Log Entries show:

  • Date and Time
  • Host
  • Environment
  • IP Address
  • A uniqueID for the current Request
  • the Session ID (if any)
  • An increasing Counter for each log entry for the time Request is running
  • The file and lineNr from where the log was called
  • The Log Message

Extra LogInfos for Events

  • BIND with the Eventname and where the Event was called from.
  • RUN with the Eventname and where the Event was called from. No further logic is bonded to that Event actually
  • RUN+ with the Eventname and where the Event was called from. In this case some logic was bonded to that event (via "BIND") and all bonded logics are listed in detail


2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        0       /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 123 >   ##########      new Request     apache2handler  GET /
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        1       /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     MVC/MVCTrait/TraitDataType.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        2       /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.error, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
                        \MVC\Error::addERROR ($oDTArrayObject);
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/Error.php, 61
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        3       /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     Foo/DataType/DTRoutingAdditional.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        4       /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     Foo/Controller/Index.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        5       /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     Foo/Event/Index.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        6       /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.application.setSession.before, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
    ) --> called in: /modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        7       /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.controller.init.before, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
) --> called in: /modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        8       /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.before, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
//            \MVC\Debug::debug($oDTArrayObject);
) --> called in: /modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        9       /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.after, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
            if (true === Config::get_MVC_INFOTOOL_ENABLE())
                // switch on InfoTool
                new \MVC\InfoTool(\Foo\View\Index::init());
) --> called in: /modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        10      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.debug.stop.after, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
            \MVC\Log::write("\n\n*** STOP ***\n" . print_r($oDTArrayObject->get_akeyvalue()[0]->get_sValue(), true));
) --> called in: /modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e session...........        11      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 110 RUN+ (mvc.application.setSession.before) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/Application.php, 71 --> bonded by `/modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48, try to run its Closure: function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){

2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        12      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 110 RUN+ (mvc.controller.init.before) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/Controller.php, 28 --> bonded by `/modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48, try to run its Closure: function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){

2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        13      /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     Idolon/Event/Index.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        14      /application/config/util/bootstrap.php, 221 >   AUTOLOADING     Foo/View/Index.php
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        15      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (, function (){
            \MVC\View::$bRender = false;
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/View.php, 96
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        16      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.view.render.on, function (){
            \MVC\View::$bRender = true;
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/View.php, 100
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        17      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (, function (){
            \MVC\View::$bEchoOut = false;
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/View.php, 104
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        18      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.view.echoOut.on, function (){
            \MVC\View::$bEchoOut = true;
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/View.php, 108
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        19      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 110 RUN+ (mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.before) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/Reflex.php, 131 --> bonded by `/modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48, try to run its Closure: function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
//            \MVC\Debug::debug($oDTArrayObject);

2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        20      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 110 RUN+ (mvc.reflex.reflect.targetObject.after) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/Reflex.php, 165 --> bonded by `/modules/Foo/Event/Index.php, 48, try to run its Closure: function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
            if (true === Config::get_MVC_INFOTOOL_ENABLE())
                // switch on InfoTool
                new \MVC\InfoTool(\Foo\View\Index::init());

2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        21      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 54  BIND (mvc.view.render.before, function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
            InfoTool::injectToolbar ($oDTArrayObject->getDTKeyValueByKey('oView')->get_sValue());
) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/InfoTool.php, 36
2022-10-04 08:50:02     mymvc.ueffing.local     develop       633bd79a39b6e   2e68203502766860bd3a982f97a5cebe        22      /application/library/MVC/Event.php, 110 RUN+ (mvc.view.render.before) --> called in: /application/library/MVC/View.php, 189 --> bonded by `/application/library/MVC/InfoTool.php, 36, try to run its Closure: function (oDTArrayObject $oDTArrayObject){
            InfoTool::injectToolbar ($oDTArrayObject->getDTKeyValueByKey('oView')->get_sValue());